--subdivision History--Drama or subdivision History--[period subdivision]--Drama under names of countries, cities, etc.; and subdivision Drama under names of historical events and persons
Verbes auxiliaires Langues créoles Guyane Histoire : Modalités prédicatives, modalités aspectuelles et auxiliaires en créole à base lexicale française de la Guyane française (XVIIIe - XXe siècles) / Daniel Schlupp
Verbes Coréen (langue) : Syntaxe des verbes de mouvement en coréen contemporain / by Hong Chai-Song
Verbes Espagnol (langue) : The tense aspect system of the Spanish verb : as used in cultivated Bogotá Spanish
Verbiest, Ferdinand, 1623-1688. : History of the two Tartar conquerors of China : including the two journeys into Tartary of Father Ferdinand Verbiest in the suite of the Emperor Kang-hi from the French of Père Pierre Joseph d'Orléans, of the company of Jesus : to which is added Father Pereira's journey into Tartary in the suite of the same emperor, from the Dutch of Nicolaas Witsen / edited by the Earl of Ellesmere and R.H. Major
Verbindingen (chemie) : Thieves, deceivers, and killers : tales of chemistry in nature / William Agosta
Verbindlichkeiten : The law and politics of WTO waivers : stability and flexibility in public international law / Isabel Feichtner