Vehicle detectors. : Speed traps! / directed by Clark Bortree ; produced by Joel Sucher and Steven Fischler, Pacific Street Films
Vehicle detectors -- Evaluation : Evaluation eines vorausschauenden Schutzsystems für verletzliche Verkehrsteilnehmer auf Basis von Car2X-Kommunikation
vehicle dynamics. : Sliding mode control of vehicle dynamics / edited by Antonella Ferrara
Vehicle Emissions -- adverse effects : Air pollution, the automobile, and public health / Ann Y. Watson, Richard R. Bates, Donald Kennedy, editors ; sponsored by the Health Effects Institute
Vehicle extrication -- England -- Birmingham : Facing the fire. Episode 7, Extrication / producer/directors, Lucy Fyson, Tom Olney, Elizabeth Toms ; series producer, Nick Kenton ; UKTV original production by IMG Productions
Vehicle-infrastructure integration -- Congresses : Internet of vehicles -- technologies and services : first International Conference, IOV 2014, Beijing, China, September 1-3, 2014. Proceedings / Robert C.-H. Hsu, Shangguang Wang (eds.)
A carrier or inert medium used as a solvent (or diluent) in which the medicinally active agent is formulated and or administered. (Dictionary of Pharmacy, 1986)
Vehicle resistance : Energy Systems Engineering Example 15-1 / Jeffrey Casello
Vehicles elèctrics. : Electric mobility in public transport--driving towards cleaner air / Krzysztof Krawiec, Sylwester Markusik, Grzegorz Sierpiński, editors