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  Miscellaneous E-books - open access


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Publishers site: Part 1
Publishers site: Part 2
The brush-tailed rock wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) in the Grampians National Park and the Black Range, Victoria : a report to the National Parks and Wildlife Division, Department of Conservation, Forests, and Lands, Victoria / by Australian Biological Research Group Pty Ltd ; [by Bertram Lobert and Ron Waters]
Publisher Website Climate change and the health sector : healing the world / edited by Alexander Thomas, K. Srinath Reddy, Divya Alexander and Poornima Prabhakaran
Publisher Website Contextual theology : skills and practices of liberating faith / edited by Sigurd Bergmann and Mika Vähäkangas
Publisher Website Continuity of learning : a resource to support effective transition to school and school age care / [Sue Dockett and Bob Perry]
Publisher Website Democratization in Mali : putting history to work / Robert Pringle
Publisher Website Demography and financial markets, Sydney on 23-25 July 2006 / editors: Christopher Kent, Anna Park and Daniel Rees
Publisher Website Development as freedom : contributions and shortcomings of Amartya Sen's development philosophy for feminist economics / Irene van Staveren and Des Gasper
Publisher Website The development of the interpretive dimensions of the Vat Phou site and Champasak landscape, Lao PDR
Publisher Website Disability care and support : Productivity Commission inquiry report / Australian Government, Productivity Commission
Publisher Website Domestic and sexual violence and abuse : findings from a Delphi expert consultation of therapeutic and treatment interventions with victims, survivors and abusers, children, adolescents, and adults / Catherine Itzin, Ann Taket, Sarah Barter-Godfrey
Publisher Website Domesticated trout : how to breed and grow them / Livingston Stone
Publisher Website Draft management plan for the West Coast Rock Lobster Managed Fishery
Publisher Website Drugs and our community : report of the Premier's Drug Advisory Council, March 1996
Publisher Website The East marine bioregional plan : bioregional profile : a description of the ecosystems, conservation values and uses of the East marine region / Australian Government, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Publisher Website EBONI : electronic textbook design guidelines / Ruth Wilson and Monica Landoni
Publisher Website The economics of climate change : the Stern review / Nicholas Stern
Effective engagement : Bk.1
Effective engagement : Bk.2
Effective engagement : Bk.3
Effective engagement, building relationships with community and other stakeholders
Publisher Website Effectively preventing and responding to sexual harassment : a quick guide
Publisher Website Eliminating nuclear threats : a practical agenda for global policymakers / Report of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament
Publisher Website Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs Marine National Nature Reserve : management plan 2006-2013 / Director of National Parks