Vāsudevāśrama. Yatidharmaprakāśa : Vāsudevāśrama Yatidharmaprakāśa : a treatise on world renunciation / critically ed. with introd., annotated transl., and appendices by Patrick Olivelle
Vasugupta. Śivasūtra. : The Stanzas on vibration : the Spandakārikā with four commentaries : the spandasamdoha by Ksemarāja, the Spandavrtti by Kallaṭabhaṭṭa, the Spandavivṛti by Rājānaka Rāma, the Spandapradīpikā by Bhagavadutpala / translated with introduction and exposition by Mark S.G. Dyczkowski
Vasugupta. Spandakārikā. : The Stanzas on vibration : the Spandakārikā with four commentaries : the spandasamdoha by Ksemarāja, the Spandavrtti by Kallaṭabhaṭṭa, the Spandavivṛti by Rājānaka Rāma, the Spandapradīpikā by Bhagavadutpala / translated with introduction and exposition by Mark S.G. Dyczkowski
Here are entered works on a tax levied on the value added to a product at each stage of the production and distribution cycle. Works on a tax most commonly used in Eastern Europe that is levied on the total value of a product each time it changes hands are entered under Turnover tax
Vaterbild : Alte neue Ungleichheiten? : Auflösungen und Neukonfigurationen von Erwerbs- und Familiensphäre / Annette von Alemann, Sandra Beaufaÿs, Beate Kortendiek (Hrsg.)
Vatermord : Why kids kill parents : child abuse and adolescent homicide / Kathleen M. Heide
Vaterrolle : Men in families and family policy in a changing world / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development