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Title Something about the author. Volume 176 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Published Detroit, Mich. : Thomson Gale, [2007]
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Description 1 online resource
Series Gale virtual reference library
Gale virtual reference library.
Contents JoAnn Adinolfi -- Tom Amico -- Lou Anders -- Patrick Arrasmith -- Dianna Hutts Aston -- Kristen Balouch -- Gene Barretta -- Lenore Blegvad -- Kevin Brockmeier -- Joseph Bruchac -- Laura J. Bryant -- Vanessa Cabban -- Cecil Castellucci -- Jane Chapman -- Rick Chrustowski -- Rene Colato Lainez -- Carolyn Crimi -- Susan Stevens Crummel -- Maureen Daly (Obit. Notice) -- Lambert Davis -- Kristina Digman -- Patricia Elliott -- Timothy Basil Ering -- Leonard Everett Fisher -- Christine Ford -- Martin French -- Chris Gall -- Shelley Gill -- Jamie Gilson -- Adam Gustavson -- Alan Hager -- Sonya Hartnett -- Justina Chen Headley -- Jui Ishida -- Rob Jackson -- Brian Jacques -- Mary Joslin -- Warren Kimble -- Eric A. Kimmel -- Elizabeth Knox -- Bruce LaFontaine -- Bimba Landmann -- Pascal Lemaitre -- Melissa Lion -- Amy Littlesugar -- Courtney Macavinta -- Mick Manning -- Petra Mathers -- Susan Meddaugh -- Daniel Minter -- Margie Moore -- Tim Myers -- Shane Nagle -- Susan Heyboer O'Keefe -- Elisabeth May Ogilvie (Obit. Notice) -- Valerie Paradiz -- David Parkins -- Dusan Petricic -- Laura Rankin -- Tony Ross -- Darlene Ryan -- Steven Salerno -- Barry Shell -- D. James Smith -- Jessica Souhami -- Mickey Spillane (Obit. Notice) -- Eve Tal -- Victor Tavares -- Mitchelle Vane -- Jon Van Zyle -- Kathleen Cook Waldron -- Ann Walsh -- Lee White -- Kathy Whitehead -- Laurence Yep -- Gabrielle Zevin
Summary Series covers individuals ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators who are just beginning their careers. Entries cover: personal life, career, writings and works in progress, adaptations, additional sources, and photographs
Notes "Facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people."
"ISSN 0276-816X."
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Original: xi, 217 pages : illustrations, photographs ; 29 cm
Print version record
Subject Adinolfi, JoAnn.
Amico, Tom
Anders, Lou
Arrasmith, Patrick.
Aston, Dianna Hutts.
Balouch, Kristen.
Barretta, Gene.
Blegvad, Lenore.
Brockmeier, Kevin.
Bruchac, Joseph, 1942-
Bryant, Laura J.
Cabban, Vanessa, 1971-
Castellucci, Cecil, 1969-
Chapman, Jane, 1970-
Chen, Justina, 1968-
Chrustowski, Rick.
Colato Lainez, Rene
Crimi, Carolyn.
Crummel, Susan Stevens.
Daly, Maureen, 1921-2006.
Davis, Lambert.
Digman, Kristina.
Elliott, Patricia, 1946-
Ering, Timothy B.
Fisher, Leonard Everett.
Ford, Christine, 1953-
French, Martin.
Gall, Chris.
Gill, Shelley.
Gilson, Jamie.
Gustavson, Adam.
Hager, Alan, 1940-
Hartnett, Sonya.
Ishida, Jui
Jackson, Rob, 1961-
Jacques, Brian.
Joslin, Mary, 1953-
Kimble, Warren.
Kimmel, Eric A.
Knox, Elizabeth.
LaFontaine, Bruce.
Landmann, Bimba.
Lemaitre, Pascal
Lion, Melissa.
Littlesugar, Amy
Macavinta, Courtney.
Manning, Mick.
Mathers, Petra.
Meddaugh, Susan.
Minter, Daniel.
Moore, Margie.
Myers, Tim (Tim Brian)
Nagle, Shane.
O'Keefe, Susan Heyboer.
Ogilvie, Elisabeth, 1917-2006.
Paradiž, Valerie, 1963-
Parkins, David.
Petricic, Dusan
Rankin, Laura.
Ross, Tony.
Ryan, Darlene, 1958-
Salerno, Steven.
Shell, Barry.
Smith, D. J., 1955-
Souhami, Jessica.
Spillane, Mickey, 1918-2006.
Tal, Eve, 1947-
Tavares, Victor, 1971-
Van Zyle, Jon
Vane, Mitch.
Waldron, Kathleen Cook.
Walsh, Ann, 1942-
White, Lee, 1970-
Whitehead, Kathy, 1957-
Yep, Laurence, 1948-
Zevin, Gabrielle.
Brockmeier, Kevin.
Bruchac, Joseph, 1942-
Chapman, Jane, 1970-
Daly, Maureen, 1921-2006.
Fisher, Leonard Everett.
Gill, Shelley.
Gilson, Jamie.
Jacques, Brian.
Kimble, Warren.
Kimmel, Eric A.
Knox, Elizabeth.
Minter, Daniel.
Ogilvie, Elisabeth, 1917-2006.
Paradiž, Valerie, 1963-
Petričić, Dušan.
Ross, Tony.
Ryan, Darlene, 1958-
Spillane, Mickey, 1918-2006.
Van Zyle, Jon.
Yep, Laurence, 1948-
Authors -- Biography.
Children's literature -- Bibliography.
Illustrators -- Biography
Children's literature.
Genre/Form Bibliography.
Form Electronic book
Author Kumar, Lisa.
Thomson Gale (Firm)
ISBN 1414429401