Here are entered works on the human factors in computer systems. Works on computer systems operating in a real-time environment are entered under Interactive computer systems
User-centered system design -- Case studies : Just like another person : how human-centered design led to the invention of the personal computer - the case of the Olivetti Programma 101 / Luca Iandoli
User-centered system design -- India : Inclusive human machine interaction for India : a case study of developing inclusive applications for the Indian population / Pradipta Biswas
User charges -- Europe, Western -- Congresses : Report of the Hundred and Seventh Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 26th-27th March 1998 on the following topic : user charges for railway infrastructure
User charges -- Government policy -- Australia -- Victoria. : User pays. Who pays? : a report into the impact of government fees and charges on people living with low incomes / written and researched by Helen Smallwood, Marilyn Webster, Valerie Ayres-Wearne
User charges -- Netherlands : Impacts of road pricing on businesses : an institutional analysis across economic sectors / by Anjali Mahendra
People who take drugs for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. The drugs may be legal or illegal, but their use often results in adverse medical, legal, or social consequences for the users
User education Information services Czech Republic : Informační gramotnost jako veřejný zájem, politika a norma : návod na tvorbu koncepčních dokumentů v oblasti informačního vzdělávání / Michaela Dombrovská
User education Online library catalogs : Library services for online patrons : a manual for facilitating access, learning, and engagement / Joelle E. Pitts, Laura Bonella, Jason M. Coleman, and Adam Wathen, editors
Here are entered works on those media where content is created by individual users in the form of video, audio, text, or multimedia that is published and shared in a social environment, such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networks, etc