User interfaces (Computer systems) -- Evaluation -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Computer systems experiences of users with and without disabilities : an evaluation guide for professionals / Simone Borsci, Masaaki Kurosu, Stefano Federici, Maria Laura Mele ; forewords by Constantine Stephanidis and Esteban Levialdiseries
User satisfaction Libraries Statistics : Perceptions of libraries and information resources : a report to the OCLC membership / [principal contributors: Cathy De Rosa ... and others]
People who take drugs for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. The drugs may be legal or illegal, but their use often results in adverse medical, legal, or social consequences for the users
Uses (Law) -- Early works to 1800 : The learned reading of Sir Francis Bacon, one of Her Majesties learned counsell at law, upon the statute of uses being his double reading to the honourable society of Grayes Inne ..
Uses (Law) -- England : The Law of charitable uses revised and much enlarged with many cases in law both antient and modern : whereunto is now added the learned reading of Sr. Francis Moor, Kt. ... upon the statute of 43 Eliz. concerning charitable uses (who was a member of that Parliament when that statute was made and the penner thereof) : abridged by himself and now printed by his own original manuscript : together with the manner of proceedings in Chancery ... for relief on divers cases wherein the aid of this statute is not required ... necessary for all bishops, cathedrals, colledges, and all parishes in England for recovery and setling of charitable donations / methodically digested by George Duke of the Inner Temple, Esq
Uses (Law) -- Maryland : The execution of trusts by the statute of uses in Maryland : being the Johnson Prize Essay of the University of Maryland for the year 1886 / by John P. O'Ferral