urbanización. : Cities in a globalizing world : global report on human settlements 2001 / United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
URBANIZACION -- AMERICA -- HISTORIA. : Urbanization in the Americas from its beginnings to the present / editors, Richard P. Schaedel, Jorge E. Hardoy and Nora Scott Kinzer
Urbanización -- Suiza. : Switzerland : an urban portrait / Roger Diener [and others] ; ETH Studio Basel, Contemporary City Institute ; [English translation: Steven Lindberg]
Urbanization -- 20th century : States of emergency : architecture, urbanism, and the First World War / edited by Erin Eckhold Sassin and Sophie Hochhäusl
Urbanization -- Africa -- Case studies : Refractions of the national, the popular and the global in African cities / edited by Simon Bekker, Sylvia Croese and Edgar Pieterse
Urbanization -- Africa, Portuguese-speaking : Urban planning in Lusophone African countries / edited by Carlos Nunes Silva (Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Urbanization -- Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Congresses : Town and country in Central and Eastern Africa : studies presented and discussed at the twelfth International African Seminar, Lusaka, September 1972 / edited by David Parkin
Urbanization -- Amazon River Region : Urban imaginaries in native Amazonia : tales of alterity, power, and defiance / edited by Fernando Santos-Granero and Emanuele Fabiano
Urbanization -- America. : Urbanization in the Americas from its beginnings to the present / editors, Richard P. Schaedel, Jorge E. Hardoy and Nora Scott Kinzer
Urbanization -- America -- Congresses. : Urbanization in the Americas from its beginnings to the present / editors, Richard P. Schaedel, Jorge E. Hardoy and Nora Scott Kinzer
Urbanization -- Arab countries : Islamic urbanism in human history : political power and social networks / edited by Sato Tsugitaka
Urbanization -- Arabia, Roman : Geography, Urbanisation and Settlement Patterns in the Roman Near East / Henry Innes MacAdam
Urbanization -- Argentina -- Buenos Aires : Dos grandes metrópolis latinoamericanas : Ciudad de México y Buenos Aires : una perspectiva comparativa / Martha Schteingart, Pedro Pírez, coordinadores
Urbanization -- Asia -- Bibliography. : Urbanization in Asia and the Pacific / compiled by Reference Centre, Clearing-House and Information Section, Population Division