Ungulates -- Conservation -- India : Spatial dynamics and ecology of large ungulate populations in tropical forests of India / N. Samba Kumar, K. Ullas Karanth, James D. Nichols, Srinivas Vaidyanathan, Beth Gardner, Jagdish Krishnaswamy
Ungulates -- Ecology : The ecology of browsing and grazing / I.J. Gordon, H.H.T. Prins, editors
Ungulates -- Ecology -- Europe : Ungulate management in Europe : problems and practices / edited by Rory Putman, Marco Apollonio, Reidar Andersen
Ungulates -- Ecology -- India : Spatial dynamics and ecology of large ungulate populations in tropical forests of India / N. Samba Kumar, K. Ullas Karanth, James D. Nichols, Srinivas Vaidyanathan, Beth Gardner, Jagdish Krishnaswamy
Ungulates -- Ecology -- Yellowstone National Park : Ecological dynamics on Yellowstone's Northern Range / Committee on Ungulate Management in Yellowstone National Park, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council
Ungulates -- Encyclopedias : Handbook of the mammals of the world. 2, Hoofed mammals / chief editors, Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier ; associate editors: Sue Ruff, Albert Martínez-Vilalta ;photographic editor, Josep del Hoyo ; authors, Mariana Altrichter [and 28 others]
Ungulates -- Juvenile literature. : The life of animals with hooves : a simple introduction to the way animals with hooves live and behave ... / W.R. Hamilton ; [illustrators Linda Broad and others]
Ungulates. -- Netherlands. : De Nederlandsche zoogdieren. Deel II, Vleermuizen, Roofdieren en Hoefdieren (Chiroptera, Carnivora et Ungulata) : determineerlijst, beschrijving, levenswijze en voorkomen van alle tot nu toe in Nederland in het wild waargenomen vleermuizen, roofdieren en hoefdieren, met vele afbeeldingen en tekstfiguren / C. Eykman
Ungunmerr-Baumann, Miriam-Rose. : The Serpent of good and evil : a reconciliation in the life and art of Miriam-Rose Ingunmerr-Baumann / Patricia R. Derrington
Ungunmerr-Baumann, Miriam-Rose., 1951- : The Serpent of good and evil : a reconciliation in the life and art of Miriam-Rose Ingunmerr-Baumann / Patricia R. Derrington
Unhappiness of England Povey, Charles, 1652?-1743 : Advertisement. : On Monday the 17th of this instant February, 1701. will be publish'd, a book intitul'd The unhappiness of England, as to its trade by sea and land truly stated ... to which is added, An essay of the happiness of man in observing the rules of morality By Charles Povey