That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum immediately below the visible range and extending into the x-ray frequencies. The longer wavelengths (near-UV or biotic or vital rays) are necessary for the endogenous synthesis of vitamin D and are also called antirachitic rays; the shorter, ionizing wavelengths (far-UV or abiotic or extravital rays) are viricidal, bactericidal, mutagenic, and carcinogenic and are used as disinfectants
Ultraviolet Rays -- adverse effects -- Congresses : Environmental UV radiation impact on ecosystems and human health and predictive models / edited by Francesco Ghetti, Giovanni Checcucci, and Janet F. Bornman
The use of ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation in the treatment of disease, usually of the skin. This is the part of the sun's spectrum that causes sunburn and tanning. Ultraviolet A, used in PUVA, is closer to visible light and less damaging than Ultraviolet B, which is ionizing
Ultraviolet spectra -- Indexes. : Molecular formula list of compound names and references to published ultraviolet and visible spectra / Indexed by the Wyanadotte -ASTM (Kuentzel) punched-card index
Ultraviolet spectroscopy -- Programmed instruction. : Visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy : analytical chemistry by open learning / authors, Ronald C. Denney, Roy Sinclair ; editor, David Mowthorpe on behalf of ACOL
The use of ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation in the treatment of disease, usually of the skin. This is the part of the sun's spectrum that causes sunburn and tanning. Ultraviolet A, used in PUVA, is closer to visible light and less damaging than Ultraviolet B, which is ionizing
Ultraviolet treatment Water Purification Technological innovations : Inactivation of pathogens with innovative UV technologies / prepared by James P. Malley, Jr. ... [and others] ; jointly sponsored by Awwa Research Foundation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Water Environment Research Foundation