Vorwort; Inhalt; 1. Einleitung; 2. Forschungsgrundlage: Methodische Vorgehensweise und Charakterisierung der diskursiven Daten; 3. Theoretische Voraussetzungen; 4. Empirische Analysen; 5. Fazit: Phänomene syntaktischer Sprachvariation in Osttiroler Jugendkommunikation; Literaturverzeichnis; Abkürzungsverzeichnis; Anhang
Empirical approaches based on qualitative or quantitative methods of corpus linguistics have become a central paradigm within linguistics. The series takes account of this fact and provides a platform for approaches within synchronous linguistics as well as interdisciplinary works with a linguistic focus which devise new ways of working empirically and develop new data-based methods and theoretical models for empirical linguistic analyses
Youth Language
Includes bibliographical references (pages 445-477)