Tunnell, Harry D. (Harry Daniel), 1961- : Strike and destroy : when Counter-insurgency doctrine met Hellraisers Brigade or, the fate of Corporal Morlock / Stjepan G. Mestrovic
Tunnell, John W., Sr., 1914-1999. : Pioneering archaeology in the Texas Coastal Bend : the Pape-Tunnell collection / John W. Tunnell Jr. and Jace W. Tunnell ; with a foreword by Thomas R. Hester and contributions from Harold F. Pape, John W. Tunnell Sr., and Thomas R. Hester
Tunnell, Michael O. : Something about the author. Volume 157 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Maikue Vang, project editor
Tunnels -- Economic aspects. : Cities of the Underworld: Underground Bootleggers - Portland - Series 1, Ep 12 of 13
Tunnels -- England -- London. : Under London : a chronicle of London's underground lifelines and relics / by F.L. Stevens. With an introduction by Herbert Morrison ... .
Tunnels -- England -- London -- Testing : Building response to tunnelling : case studies from construction of the Jubilee Line Extension, London / editors, J.B. Burland, J.R. Standing, F.M. Jardine
Tunnels -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- Design and construction : Completing the "Big Dig" : managing the final stages of Boston's Central Artery/Tunnel Project / Committee for Review of the Project Management Practices Employed on the Boston Central Artery/Tunnel ("Big Dig") Project, Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Acadeny of Engineering, National Research Counci, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies
Tunnels -- Mathematics : A short course in soil-structure engineering of deep foundations, excavations and tunnels / Charles W.W. Ng, Noel Simons and Bruce Menzies