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Trial transcripts -- New York (State) : Alfred B. Woodworth, and others, ag'st Edward C. Seymour ; The same, ag'st Charles B. Douglass and William B. Douglass  1882 1
Trial transcripts -- Research -- Case studies. : Analysing legal transcripts : applying cognitive linguistics to transcripts from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) / Kristen Perrin  2014 1

Trialeurodes -- See Also the narrower term Greenhouse whitefly


Trialeurodes vaporariorum -- See Greenhouse whitefly

  Trials -- 7 Related Subjects   7
Trials.   451
Trials (Abortion)   7
Trials (Abortion) -- South Africa   2
Trials (Abortion) -- United States   2
Trials (Abortion) -- Washington (D.C.)   2
Trials (Adultery)   45
Trials (Adultery) -- Australia. : The secret history of the Coningham case : (illustrated with photographic facsimiles of the documents in the case and many others that were not produced in court) / by "Zero"  1901 1
Trials (Adultery) -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Popular works. : The secret history of the Coningham case : (illustrated with photographic facsimiles of the documents in the case and many others that were not produced in court) / by "Zero"  1901 1
Trials (Adultery) -- England   2
Trials (Adultery) -- England -- London   7
Trials (Adultery) -- England -- London -- Early works to 1800 : The trial of Viscountess Belmore, (formerly Lady Henrietta Hobart and daughter to John Earl of Ruckinghamshire) : for adultery with the Earl of Ancram : including the depositions of the Earl of Enniskillen, Sir R. Heron and all the other witnesses  1793 1
Trials (Adultery) -- Great Britain   15
Trials (Adultery) -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800   3
Trials (Adultery) -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century : Annals of Fashionable Gallantry: a collection of remarkable trials for crim. con., divorce, adultery, seduction, cruelty, the whole forming a complete history of the private life and amours of many characters in the most elevated sphere, interspersed with many curious anecdotes of supreme bon ton  1885 1
Trials (Adultery) -- Illinois : The only complete report of the Burch divorce case : containing a comprehensive history of the case, the preliminary movements, the "confession" of Mrs. Burch, opening speeches of counsel, the deposition of parties implicated, and all the testimony in full, together with the letters offered in evidence but ruled out by the court / specially reported by the Law Reporter of the "New York Daily Times."  1860 1
Trials (Adultery) -- Ireland   2
Trials (Adultery) -- Ireland -- Dublin : The speech of Mr. Phillips : delivered in the Court of Common-Pleas, Dublin, in the case of Guthrie versus Sterne, for adultery  1816 1
Trials (Adultery) -- Ireland -- Dublin -- Early works to 1800 : Ten thousand pounds!!! Trial between Richard Martin, Esq. of Dangin, in the county of Galway, in Ireland, and John Petrie, Esq. of the county of Essex, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife. : Tried before the Right Hon. Lord Kenyon, and a special jury, at Guildhall, London, on Thursday the 14th of December, 1791 ; who found for the plaintiff ten thousand pounds damages. Taken in short-hand by a Student of the Temple  1792 1
Trials (Adultery) -- Maine -- Portland : Decision of the council in the trial of Rev. W.P. Merrill, pastor of the F.W. Baptist Church, in Portland : with a statement of facts, and the reasons for such a decision : in answer to a call from members of said church, and others  1861 1
Trials (Adultery) -- Massachusetts -- Boston   3
Trials (Adultery) -- New Hampshire : Statement & review of the whole case of the Reverend Joy H. Fairchild : from its commencement to its termination / compiled from original documents by a Member of the Suffolk Bar ; with an appendix containing all the correspondence, and the testimony of the principal witnesses before the Ecclesiastical Council at Exeter, and the Municipal Court at Boston  1845 1
Trials (Adultery) -- New York (State) -- Cases : The great Brooklyn romance : all the documents in the famous Beecher-Tilton case, unabridged  1874 1
Trials (Adultery) -- New York (State) -- New York   3
Trials (Adultery) -- Oregon -- Portland : Murdering Holiness : the Trials of Franz Creffield and George Mitchell  2014 1
Trials (Adultery) -- Scotland : Ravillac redivivus, being a narrative of the late tryal of Mr. James Mitchel, a conventicle-preacher, who was executed the 18th of January, 1677, for an attempt which he made on the sacred person of the Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews : to which is annexed, An account of the tryal of that most wicked Pharisee Major Thomas Weir, who was executed for adultery, incest and bestiality : in which are many observable passages, especially relating to the church and state of Scotland / in a letter from a Scottish to an English gentleman  1682 1
Trials (Anarchy)   3
Trials (Anarchy) -- Illinois : The celebrated Chicago anarchist's case : from the Western reporter, vol. X  1887 1
Trials (Anarchy) -- Illinois -- Chicago : An open letter to Judge Joseph E. Gary : who, in 1893 seeks to justify his participation (in 1887) in the lynching under the hyprocritical [sic] guise of the law, of men who entertained and expressed unpopular opinions : why the undertone? / by Sarah E. Ames  1893 1
Trials (Anarchy) -- Illinois -- Chicago -- History -- 19th century : The trial of the Haymarket Anarchists : terrorism and justice in the Gilded Age / Timothy Messer-Kruse  2011 1
Trials -- Argentina -- History   2
Trials (Arson)   15
Trials (Arson) -- England -- York : Report of the trial of Jonathan Martin : for having, on the night of the first of February, 1829, set fire to York Minster which trial took place at the Yorkshire Spring Assizes, on Tuesday, March 31st, 1829, before Mr. Baron Hullock / taken in short-hand, by Mr. Fraser ; with an appendix, containing some depositions and other documents not appearing on the trial  1829 1
Trials (Arson) -- Great Britain : The trial at large of James Hill, otherwise James Hind, otherwise James Aitken, commonly known by the name of John the Painter : who was tried and convicted at the assizes held at Winchester, on Thursday March 6, 1777, and executed and hung in chains, at Portsmouth, on Monday March 10, for setting fire to the rope-house in his Majesty's dock-yard at Portsmouth, on Saturday the 7th of December, 1776 ; together with the confession he made before magistrates and to Commissioner Gambier ; and an account of his behaviour at the time of his execution ; also, the particulars of his life, previous to his setting fire to the dock-yard, which he gave to Mr. White, Keeper of the Goal at Winchester  1777 1
Trials (Arson) -- Massachusetts   3
Trials (Arson) -- Massachusetts -- Boston : A voice from Leverett Street Prison, or, The life, trial and confession of Simeon L. Crockett, who was executed for arson, March 16, 1836  1836 1
Trials (Arson) -- Massachusetts -- Gloucester : Trial of Marshall and Ross for barn-burning : a brief exposure of a systematic attempt to mislead the public mind, and to create a false sympathy in behalf of convicted incendiaries / by "a looker-on in Vienna."  1859 1
Trials (Arson) -- Michigan -- Detroit   2
Trials (Arson) -- Missouri -- Kansas City : Justice on fire : the Kansas City firefighters case and the railroading of the Marlborough five / J. Patrick O'Connor  2018 1
Trials (Arson) -- New York (State) -- New York : Report of the trial of John Quay vs. the Eagle Fire Company of New-York : before the Honourable William W. Van Ness, one of the justices of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the state of New-York, at the City-Hall of the city of New-York, commencing on Friday the sixth and ending on Tuesday the tenth days of December, 1816 / by Daniel Rogers  1817 1
Trials (Arson)-North Carolina-History-20th century   2
Trials (Arson) -- Rhode Island : The trials of William H. Bowen and Dora Avery  1883 1
Trials (Assassination)   21
Trials (Assassination) -- China : Public passions : the trial of Shi Jianqiao and the rise of popular sympathy in Republican China / Eugenia Lean  2007 1
Trials (Assassination) -- Germany -- Berlin : Tehlirian on trial : Armenia's avenger / Cinétévé, ARTE France, CNRS Images present ; produced by Fabienne Servan Schreiber and Lucie Pastor ; written by Laurence Chassin and Bernard George ; directed by Bernard George  2018 1
Trials (Assassination) -- Guatemala   2
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