Trials (Trespass) -- Venezuela -- Aves Island : The Aves Island case, with the correspondence relating thereto and discussion of law and facts : being the official documents published by order of the Senate of the United States
Trials (Trespass) -- Virginia : Review of the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Cohens vs. Virginia / [by Charles Hammond]
Trials -- United States -- Anecdotes : Skill in trials : containing a variety of civil and criminal cases won by the art of advocates : with some of the skill of Webster, Choate, Beach, Butler, Curtis, Davis, Fountain, and others, given in sketches of their work and trial stories, with new selections of western eloquence / by J.W. Donovan
Trials -- Venezuela : The indictment of a dictator : the extradition and trial of Marcos Pérez Jiménez / by Judith Ewell
Trials -- Venezuela -- Aves Island : The Aves Island case, with the correspondence relating thereto and discussion of law and facts : being the official documents published by order of the Senate of the United States
Trials -- Virginia : Reports of criminal trials in the circuit, state, and United States courts held in Richmond, Virginia / by Robert R. Howison
Trials -- Virginia -- Richmond County : Criminal proceedings in colonial Virginia : (Records of) fines, examination of criminals, trials of slaves, etc. from March 1710 (1711) to (1754), (Richmond County, Virginia) / edited, with an introduction, by Peter Charles Hoffer ; edited and transcribed by William B. Scott
Trials -- Washington (D.C.) : Personal memoir of Daniel Drayton, for four years and four months a prisoner (for charity's sake) in Washington jail : including a narrative of the voyage and capture of the schooner Pearl
Trials (Witchcraft) -- England -- History -- Sources : Witch hunting and witch trials : the indictments for witchcraft from the records of 1373 assizes held for the Home Circuit A.D. 1559-1736 / Collected and edited by C. L'Estrange Ewen
Trials (Witchcraft) -- England -- Suffolk. : A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts / written by the Honourable Sir Matthew Hale ... ; to which is added, A tryal of witches, at the assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds, for the county of Suffolk, on the 10th of March 1664, before the said Sir Matthew Hale, Kt
Trials (Witchcraft) -- England -- Surrey -- Early works to 1800 : The tryal of Richard Hathaway, upon an information for being a cheat and impostor for endeavouring to take away the life of Sarah Morduck, for being a witch at Surry Assizes, begun and held in the Burrough of Southwark, March the 24th, 1702 : in which is discovered the malicious designs of the said impostor with an account of his pretended inchantments and witchcraft, before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Holt, and Mr. Baron Hatsell : to which is added, a short account of the tryal of Richard Hathaway, Thomas Wellyn and Elizabeth his wife, and Elizabeth Willoughby, wife of Walter Willoughby, upon an information for a riot and assault upon Sarah Morduck, the pretended witch at the said assizes
Trials (Witchcraft) -- Europe -- Sources : The literature of witchcraft trials : books & manuscripts from the Jacob Burns Law Library / an essay by Scott B. Pagel
Trials (Witchcraft) -- France -- Burgundy : An examen of witches drawn from various trials of many of this sect in the district of Saint Oyan de Joux, commonly known as Saint Claude, in the county of Burgundy, including the procedure necessary to a judge in trials for witchcraft, by Henry Boguet, chief judge in the said county; translated by E. Allen Ashwin, edited by the Rev. Montague Summers