Trials (Murder) -- Scotland -- Fiction. : His bloody project : documents relating to the case of Roderick Macrae : a novel / edited and introduced by Graeme Macrae Burnet [author]
Trials (Murder) -- Scotland -- History. : His bloody project : documents relating to the case of Roderick Macrae : a novel / edited and introduced by Graeme Macrae Burnet [author]
Trials (Murder) -- South Carolina : Report of the trial of Joshua Nettles and Elizabeth Cannon : for the murder of John Cannon, on the night of the 24th October, 1804 / by S.C. Carpenter
Trials (Murder) -- Statistics : Sunday morning. By the numbers : Casey Anthony / produced by Columbia Broadcasting System
Trials (Murder) -- Suriname : Independent observation mission to the trial of President Desire Delano Bouterse and others in relation to extrajudicial executions that took place in December 1982 at Fort Zeelandia, Paramaribo, Suriname : report
Trials (Murder) -- Tennessee -- Greeneville : Speech of D.W. Voorhees : delivered at Greeneville, Tennessee, June 23, 1885, in defense of Capt. Edward T. Johnson, indicted for the murder of Major Edwin Henry / reported stenographically and published by Sam. C. Dunham
Trials (Murder) -- Texas -- Austin : Mi vida dentro = My life inside / Fondo para la produccion Cinematográfíca de Calidad Foprocine-México presentan ; una producción de Ultra Films ; en coproducción con : B.I.A.S. Postproducción Equipment and Film Design ; productor : Rodrigo Herranz ; edicion, guion y direccion, Lucia Gaja
Trials (Murder) -- Texas -- Jackson County : "Colored men" and "hombres aquí" : Hernández v. Texas and the emergence of Mexican-American lawyering / Michael A. Olivas. Ed. ; foreword by Mark Tushnet
Trials (Murder) -- Texas -- Jasper : Two towns of Jasper / directed & produced by Whitney Dow and Marco Williams ; produced in association with the Independent Television Service and the National Black Programming Consortium ; produced by Two Tone Productions, Inc
Trials (Murder) -- Utah -- Salt Lake City : The Lee trial : an expose of the Mountain Meadows massacre : being a condensed report of the prisoner's statement, testimony of witnesses, charge of the judge, arguments of counsel and opinions of the press upon the trial / by the Salt Lake Daily Tribune reporter
Trials (Murder) -- Vermont -- Manchester : The trial, confessions, and conviction of Jesse and Stephen Boorn for the murder of Russell Colvin : and the return of the man supposed to have been murdered / by Leonard Sargeant, Ex-Lieut, Governor of Vermont