Trials (Conspiracy) -- India -- Mumbai : The trial of Charles Joseph Briscoe, Esquire, justice of the Peace, and superintendent of Police, for the town and island of Bombay : at a special sessions of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery in and for the island of Bombay, before the Hon'ble Sir James Mackintosh, kt., recorder, and his associates on the 21st, 22d and 23d of November 1810
Trials (Conspiracy) -- Kentucky : Kentucky jurisprudence : a history of the trial of Miss Delia A. Webster, at Lexington, Kentucky, Dec'r 17-21, 1844, before the Hon. Richard Buckner : on a charge of aiding slaves to escape from that commonwealth --with miscellaneous remarks, including her views on American slavery / written by herself
Trials (Conspiracy) -- Kentucky -- Frankfort : Great Speech of Caleb Powers : before the jury that sentenced him to death upon the charge of being an accessory before the fact to the murder of William Goebel : observations on the trial and incidents of the delivery of this masterly address / by Llewellyn F. Sinclair, of counsel for Powers
Trials (Conspiracy) -- Louisiana -- New Orleans : The trials of the Honb. James Workman and Col. Lewis Kerr : before the United States' Court for the Orleans District on a charge of high misdemeanor in planning and setting on foot, within the United States, an expedition for the conquest and emancipation of Mexico
Trials (Conspiracy) -- New York (State) -- New York -- History -- 18th century : The New-York conspiracy, or, A history of the Negro plot : with the journal of the proceedings against the conspirators at New-York in the years 1741-2 : containing the names of the white and black persons arrested on account of the conspiracy, the times of their trials, their sentences, their executions by burning and hanging, names of those transported, and those discharged : with a variety of other useful and highly interesting matter / by Daniel Horsmanden
Trials (Conspiracy) -- Ohio -- Columbus : A Report of the examination of Messrs. Amasa Chapin, Lorenzo Chapin, Lyman Cole, William H. Holland, and William Kissane, (of Cincinnati,) charged with a conspiracy to burn the steamboat Martha Washington on the Mississippi River, in January, 1852, with intent to defraud certain insurance companies : before P.B. Wilcox, Esq., a commissioner of the Circuit Court of the United States, at Columbus, Ohio, from December 29th, 1852, to January 15th, 1853
Trials (Conspiracy) -- Pennsylvania. : Speech of David Paul Brown, in the case of Hinchman vs. Richie, et al. : delivered on the sixth of April (Good Friday), 1849
Trials (Conspiracy) -- Pennsylvania -- Bucks County : The trial of Samuel Yardley Thornton, Jacob Hellings, and others : indicted for a conspiracy in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, May sessions, 1821, continued to August sessions, 1821 / by Joseph Hough & Albert Smith
Trials (Conspiracy) -- Pennsylvania -- Lebanon : Trial of John Keller and others : at a Court of Quarter Sessions, held at Lebanon, November, 1842 : before the Hon. Calvin Blythe, president judge and his associates John Shindel and Samuel Goshert, Esqrs., for a conspiracy, riot, unlawful assembly and assault and battery, at the Hill Church / reported by a member of the Bar
Trials (Conspiracy) -- Scotland : Report of the trial of Thomas Hunter, Peter Hacket, Richard M'Neil, James Gibb, and William M'Lean, operative cotton-spinners in Glasgow : before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, on Wednesday, January 3, 1838, and seven following days : for the crimes of illegal conspiracy and murder : with an appendix of documents and relative proceedings / by Archibald Swinton
Trials (Conspiracy) -- South Carolina : Proceedings in the Ku Klux trials : at Columbia, S.C., in the United States Circuit Court, November term, 1871
Trials (Crimes against humanity) -- Chad : The president on trial : prosecuting Hissène Habré / edited by Sharon Weill, Kim Thuy Seelinger, Kerstin Bree Carlson
Trials (Crimes against humanity) -- Israel. : 6,000,000 accusers, Israel's case against Eichmann : the Opening Speech and Legal Argument / Gideon Hausner ; translated from the Hebrew, and edited by Shabtai Rosenne
Trials (Crimes against humanity) -- Maine : Louie Oye Mow, Wu Ark, Leun Yut Bow, Leun Nug Yem, Ng Sam Toy, appellants vs. United States of America, appellees : citizenship cases, and Wong King, appellant vs. United States of America, appellees : case of Chinese laborer under section 6 of act of May 5, 1892 : brief for appellees / Isaac W. Dyer
Trials (Criminal libel) -- Maryland : State of Maryland vs. Charles H. Grasty, Thomas K. Worthington, and John M. Carter, Jr. ; charge : criminal libel, in the Criminal Court of Baltimore ; May 26, 27, 28, & 29, 1893 ; verdict : not guilty ; a stenographical report of the famous criminal libel case in which it was sought to punish three editors of the Baltimore news for alleging that ex-sheriff Henry G. Fledderman was a "backer" of lottery policy