Trials (Arson) -- New York (State) -- New York : Report of the trial of John Quay vs. the Eagle Fire Company of New-York : before the Honourable William W. Van Ness, one of the justices of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the state of New-York, at the City-Hall of the city of New-York, commencing on Friday the sixth and ending on Tuesday the tenth days of December, 1816 / by Daniel Rogers
Trials (Assassination) -- China : Public passions : the trial of Shi Jianqiao and the rise of popular sympathy in Republican China / Eugenia Lean
Trials (Assassination) -- Germany -- Berlin : Tehlirian on trial : Armenia's avenger / Cinétévé, ARTE France, CNRS Images present ; produced by Fabienne Servan Schreiber and Lucie Pastor ; written by Laurence Chassin and Bernard George ; directed by Bernard George
Trials (Assassination) -- Illinois -- Chicago : The crime of the century, or, The assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin : a complete and authentic history of the greatest of modern conspiracies / by Henry M. Hunt
Trials (Assassination) -- Kentucky -- Frankfort : Great Speech of Caleb Powers : before the jury that sentenced him to death upon the charge of being an accessory before the fact to the murder of William Goebel : observations on the trial and incidents of the delivery of this masterly address / by Llewellyn F. Sinclair, of counsel for Powers
Trials (Assault and battery) -- Maine -- Portland : Report of the trial of Major Mitchell : for felonious assault and maiming on the person of David H. Crawford : before the Supreme Judicial Court of the state of Maine at the term for the county of Cumberland held at Portland on the first Tuesday of November 1834 : with the arguments of counsel / by James F. Otis
Trials (Assault and battery) -- New Hampshire : An astonishing affair! : the Rev. Samuel Arnold cast and tried for his cruelty, though his cause was advocated in a masterly manner, by the Right Hon. Joseph Almon Clark Pray, the most able and accomplished attorney, who "was dead and is alive again, was lost and is found" / by Philandros
Trials (Assault and battery) -- New York (State) : Trial of Mr. William Parkinson, pastor of the First Baptist Church in the city of New York, on an indictment for assault and battery upon Mrs. Eliza Wintringham / taken in short hand by William Sampson
Trials (Assault and battery) -- New York (State) -- Albany : Assault and battery : report of the trials of the causes of Elisha Jenkins vs. Solomon Van Rensselaer, Solomon Van Rensselaer vs. John Tayler, the same vs. Charles D. Cooper, and the same vs. Francis Bloodgood, before arbitrators at Albany, August 16th, 17th, and 18th, 1808
Trials (Assault and battery) -- Pennsylvania : First speech of David Paul Brown, delivered in 1818, in the case of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania against John Binns : for assault and battery : for the prosecution, G.M. Dallas, David Paul Brown : for the defense, Jos. R. Ingersoll, Josiah Randall
Trials (Assault and battery) -- Pennsylvania -- Lebanon : Trial of John Keller and others : at a Court of Quarter Sessions, held at Lebanon, November, 1842 : before the Hon. Calvin Blythe, president judge and his associates John Shindel and Samuel Goshert, Esqrs., for a conspiracy, riot, unlawful assembly and assault and battery, at the Hill Church / reported by a member of the Bar
Trials (Assault and battery) -- United States : The arguments of Z. Collins Lee and Jere. Clemens, in defence of Captain Schaumburg, indicted for assault and battery with intent to kill Edward H. Fuller, delivered March 30, 1854
Trials (Assault) -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800 : The trial (at large) of Joseph Stacpoole : Esq ; William Gapper, Attorney at Law, and James Lagier: for wilfully and maliciously shooting at John Parker, Esq ; tried at the assize, held at Maidstone, for the County of Kent, on Thursday, March 20, 1777, before the honourable Sir Richard Aston, Knt. One of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of King's-Bench. Taken, in short-hand, by Joseph Gurney
Trials (Attempted murder) -- England : The important results of an elaborate investigation into the mysterious case of Elizabeth Fenning, being a detail of extraordinary facts discovered since her execution, including the official report of her singular trial, now first published and copious notes thereon : also numerous authentic documents, an argument on her case, a memorial to H.R.H. the prince regent, & strictures on a late pamphlet of the prosecutors' apothecary / by John Watkins
Trials (Attempted murder) -- England -- London -- Early works to 1800 : The tryals and condemnation of Robert Charnock, Edward King, and Thomas Keyes, for the horrid and execrable conspiracy to assassinate His Sacred Majesty K. William, in order to a French invasion of this kingdom : who upon full evidence were found guilty of high-treason, at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, March 11, 169⁵/₆ : together with a true copy of the papers delivered by them to the sheriffs of London and Middlesex at the time of their execution
Trials (Attempted murder) -- Scotland : Ravillac redivivus, being a narrative of the late tryal of Mr. James Mitchel, a conventicle-preacher, who was executed the 18th of January, 1677, for an attempt which he made on the sacred person of the Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews : to which is annexed, An account of the tryal of that most wicked Pharisee Major Thomas Weir, who was executed for adultery, incest and bestiality : in which are many observable passages, especially relating to the church and state of Scotland / in a letter from a Scottish to an English gentleman