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Title The Treaty of Nice and Beyond : Enlargement and Constitutional Reform
Published Hart Publishing 2003


Description 1 online resource (448 pages)
Contents Preliminaries; Preface; Contents; 1 The Convention on the Future of Europe the Issues and Prospects; 2 European Union Law and National Constitutions; 3 The Allocation of Competences Between the European Union and its Member States; 4 Rethinking the Methods of Dividing and Controlling the Competencies of the Union; 5 European Constitutional Theory and the Post Nice Process; 6 Assessment of the Treaty of Nice Goals of Institutional Reform; 7 Enhancing Cooperation After Nice Will the Treaty Do the Trick; 8 The Treaty of Nice and the Treaty Structure Repainting the Pillars
9 The Treaty of Nice and Social Policy The Amendments to Article 137 EC10 Towards New Objectives for the Common Agricultural Policy; 11 The European Courts after Nice; 12 Effective Judicial Protection of Individuals in the European Union Now and in the Future; 13 The Past and Future of the Preliminary Rulings Procedure; 14 A European Certiorari Revisited; 15 A Charter of Rights Freedoms and Principles; 16 The EU Charter of Rights A Poor Attempt to Strengthen Democracy and Citizenship; 17 A German View of the Charter The Effect on the Bundesverfassungsgericht
Summary Designed to succeed previous books on the Maastricht and Amsterdam treaties, this new work includes contributions from leading EU lawyers assessing the Nice Treaty and the Post-Nice process, which is rapidly developing in the lead-up to the next Intergovernmental conference. The book's central theme is the discussion of a European Constitution and European Constitutionalism. The new constitutional balance after institutional reform, the Luxembourg courts after Nice, the future of the three pillar Treaty structure and the Human Rights charter are the other main topics. Among the contributors are the editors, Professor Stephen Weatherill (Oxford), Professor Noreen Burrows (Glasgow), Professor Jürgen Schwarze (Freiburg), Professor Paul Craig (Oxford), Professor Jo Shaw (Manchester) Steve Peers (Essex) Professor Piet Eeckhout (King's College, London) and Professor Alan Dashwood (Cambridge)
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references
Notes English
Subject European Union.
European Union
SUBJECT Treaty on European Union (1992 February 7). Protocols, etc. (2001 February 26)
Treaty on European Union (1992 February 7) fast
Subject Constitutional law -- European Union countries
Constitutional law
International economic integration
Europe -- Economic integration.
European Union countries
Form Electronic book
ISBN 1280807539