Pt. I. Mental Illness and Legal Intervention -- Ch. 1. Sexual Predator Statutes and the Fragmented Structure of Mental Health Law -- Ch. 2. The Supreme Court on Civil Commitment -- Ch. 3. Legally Significant Mental Illness -- Pt. II. Parens Patriae Intervention -- Ch. 4. Normative Structure I -- Ch. 5. Incompetence and Commitment -- Ch. 6. The Right to Refuse Care -- Pt. III. Police Power Intervention -- Ch. 7. Normative Structure II: The Police Power -- Ch. 8. Sexual Predator Statutes and the Police Power -- Ch. 9. The Right to Refuse Care Under the Police Power -- Pt. IV. Professional Roles, Professional Judgment, and Legal Determinations -- Ch. 10. Risk and Dangerousness -- Ch. 11. Expert Testimony and Commitment as a Sexual Predator -- Ch. 12. Professional Judgment and Responsibilities: Intrinsic and Delegated -- Ch. 13. The Fragmented Structure of Mental Health Law Revisited