Tosefta. Kilayim -- Commentaries : A history of the Mishnaic law of agriculture : Kilayim : translation and exegesis / Irving Mandelbaum
Tosefta. Maʻaserot -- Commentaries : Mishnah's theology of tithing : a study of tractate Maaserot / Martin S. Jaffee ; Michael L. Satlow, managing editor
Tosefta. Terumot -- Commentaries : The priestly gift of Mishnah : a study of tractate Terumot / Alan J. Avery-Peck ; Michael L. Satlow, managing editor
Tostan (Organization : Senegal) / : Human rights and community-led development : lessons from Tostan / Ben Cislaghi
An anomalous pulmonary venous return in which the right PULMONARY VEIN is not connected to the LEFT ATRIUM but to the INFERIOR VENA CAVA. Scimitar syndrome is named for the crescent- or Turkish sword-like shadow in the chest radiography and is often associated with hypoplasia of the right lung and right pulmonary artery, and dextroposition of the heart
An anomalous pulmonary venous return in which the right PULMONARY VEIN is not connected to the LEFT ATRIUM but to the INFERIOR VENA CAVA. Scimitar syndrome is named for the crescent- or Turkish sword-like shadow in the chest radiography and is often associated with hypoplasia of the right lung and right pulmonary artery, and dextroposition of the heart