Tivoli Portrait sculpture, Classical Italy : The Berkeley Plato : from neglected relic to ancient treasure : an archaeological detective story / Stephen G. Miller ; with an appendix by John Twilley
Tiwa Indians. : The North American Indian : being a series of volumes picturing and describing the Indians of the United States, the Dominion of Canada and Alaska. Volume 16, The Tiwa, the Keres / by Edward S. Curtis
Tiwery, Weldemina Yudit : Religious peacebuilding in post-war Maluku : Tiwery's theology of the mother (teologi ina) and nunusaku-based cosmology / Lailatul Fitriyah
Tiwi. : Tiwi : art, history, culture / Jennifer Isaacs
Tiwi (Australian people) -- Art -- Exhibitions. : Yikwani : contemporary Tiwi ceramics / with essays by Judith Ryan and Anna McLeod ; exhibition curated by John Patrick Kelantumama ... [and others]
Tiwi (Australian people) -- Death. : A death in the Tiwi islands : conflict, ritual and social life in an Australian Aboriginal community / Eric Venbruz
Tiwi (Australian people) -- Education : Aboriginal pedagogy = Blekbala wei = Deme nayin = Yolngu rom = Ngini nginingawula = Ngaewurranungurumagi : Aboriginal teachers speak out
Tiwi (Australian people) -- Ethnobiology : Tiwi plants and animals : Aboriginal flora and fauna knowledge from Bathurst and Melville Islands, northern Australia / Justin Puruntatameri ... [et al.]
Tiwi (Australian people) -- Exhibitions. : Yikwani : contemporary Tiwi ceramics / with essays by Judith Ryan and Anna McLeod ; exhibition curated by John Patrick Kelantumama ... [and others]