The potato eaters : Vincent van Gogh : The potato eaters : in the collection of V.W. van Gogh, Amsterdam / introduction by J.G. van Gelder ; adapted from the dutch by A.D.B.Sylvester
The potato eaters (Painting) : Vincent van Gogh : The potato eaters : in the collection of V.W. van Gogh, Amsterdam / introduction by J.G. van Gelder ; adapted from the dutch by A.D.B.Sylvester
Potato growers : Potato planters / an American Universities Field Staff presentation ; director, Hubert Smith ; producer, Norman Miller
Potato growers -- Bolivia -- Vitocota : Potato planters / an American Universities Field Staff presentation ; director, Hubert Smith ; producer, Norman Miller
Potato industry -- Asia : The quiet revolution in staple food value chains : enter the dragon, the elephant, and the tiger / Thomas Reardon [and three others]
Potato industry -- India -- Bibliography : Compendium of Indian potato research (1992-2011). Vol. 3 : a bibliography / compiled & edited by Rakesh Mani Sharma & Surinder Paul ; inspiration and guidance by B.P. Singh
Potato industry -- Peru -- Mantaro River Valley. : Land-use in the Andes : ecology and agriculture in the Mantaro Valley of Peru with special reference to potatoes / Enrique Mayer ; research assistance, map development, and graphics by Richard C. Shea
Potato products -- Great Britain : Inside the factory. Series 2, episode 2, Crisps / directed by George Hughes, Sam Bailey ; produced by Sam Bailey, George Hughes, Emma Pound, Voltage TV Productions, British Broadcasting Corporation
A plant species of the genus IPOMOEA, family CONVOLVULACEAE. Some cultivars are sweet and edible whereas bitter varieties are a source of SAPONINS. This sweet potato is sometimes referred to as a yam (DIOSCOREA)
Potatoes -- Bolivia -- Vitocota : Potato planters / an American Universities Field Staff presentation ; director, Hubert Smith ; producer, Norman Miller
Potatoes -- Case studies : Sustainable potato production : global case studies / Zhongqi He, Robert Larkin, Wayne Honeycutt, editors
Potatoes -- Colombia : Los puros criollos. La papa / dirección, Néstor Oliveros Machado ; producción, Manuel García, Nohra Guerrero ; una producción de Néstor Oliveros Machado para señalcolombia