Texas Endangered species : Texans on the brink : threatened and endangered animals / edited by Brian R. Chapman and William I. Lutterschmidt ; foreword by John H. Rappole
Texas Endemic plants : Remarkable plants of Texas : uncommon accounts of our common natives / Matt Warnock Turner
Texas Energy development : Petroleum politics and the Texas Railroad Commission / by David F. Prindle
Texas Energy development Citizen participation : Fighting Goliath : Texas coal wars / the Redford center at Sundance Preserve presents ; directed, written and produced by Mat Hames and George Sledge ; producer, Cara Carney ; a production of Alpheus Media
Texas Energy industries : Innovation dynamics and policy in the energy sector : building global energy markets, institutions, public policy, technology and culture on the Texan innovation example / Milton L. Holloway
Texas Energy policy : Texas national energy modeling project : an experience in large-scale model transfer and evaluation / edited by Milton L. Holloway
Texas Engineering firms History : A century in the works : Freese and Nichols consulting engineers, 1894-1994 / Simon W. Freese and Deborah Lightfoot Sizemore
Texas Ensemble playing Zapata : Mariachi High / directors, Ilana Trachtman, Kim Connell ; producers, Ilana Trachtman, Kelly Sheehan ; a film by Kim Connell, Ilana Trachtman, Kelly Sheehan ; a co-production of Rubylake, LLC, Latino Public Broadcasting and Independent Television Service (ITVS)
Texas Enslaved persons Interviews : Till freedom cried out : memories of Texas slave life / edited by T. Lindsay Baker and Julie P. Baker ; illustrated by Kermit Oliver
Texas Entrepreneurship San Antonio : Factors that affect succession in African American family-owned businesses : a case study / Charles W. Hunt
Texas -- Environmental conditions : Links to the past : the hidden history on Texas golf courses / Dan K. Utley ; with Stanley O. Graves
Texas Environmental health Houston Metropolitan Area : Rebuilding the unity of health and the environment : the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area : a workshop summary / Lovell Jones, John Porretto, and Christine M. Coussens, editors ; Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine ; Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Texas Environmental protection Big Thicket : Saving the Big Thicket : from exploration to preservation, 1685-2003 / James J. Cozine, Jr. ; foreword and afterword by Pete A.Y. Gunter
Texas Environmental protection Edwards Aquifer : Review of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan. Report 1 / Committee to Review the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan, Water Science and Technology Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Texas Environmentalism Austin : Environmental city : people, place, politics, and the meaning of modern Austin / William Scott Swearingen, Jr
Texas Environmentalists Interviews : The Texas Legacy Project : stories of courage and conservation / edited by David Todd and David Weisman ; foreword by Carter Smith
Texas (États-Unis) Paléoécologie Smithers, lac : Recent vertebrate carcasses and their paleobiological implications / Johannes Weigelt ; translated by Judith Schaefer ; foreword by Anna K. Behrensmeyer and Catherine Badgley