A variety of conditions affecting the anatomic and functional characteristics of the temporomandibular joint. Factors contributing to the complexity of temporomandibular diseases are its relation to dentition and mastication and the symptomatic effects in other areas which account for referred pain to the joint and the difficulties in applying traditional diagnostic procedures to temporomandibular joint pathology where tissue is rarely obtained and x-rays are often inadequate or nonspecific. Common diseases are developmental abnormalities, trauma, subluxation, luxation, arthritis, and neoplasia. (From Thoma's Oral Pathology, 6th ed, pp577-600)
Temporomandibular Joint -- pathology : Treatment dilemmas for vulnerable patients in oral health clinical and ethical issues / Alexander Mersel, editor
Temps Allemand (langue) : Situations, tense, and aspect : dynamic discourse ontology and the semantic flexibility of temporal system in German and English / Renate Bartsch
Temps Français (langue) : Situations, tense, and aspect : dynamic discourse ontology and the semantic flexibility of temporal system in German and English / Renate Bartsch
Temps (Grammaire) : Tense and aspect in Romance languages : theoretical and applied linguistics / edited by Dalila Ayoun, M. Rafael Salaberry
Temps Langues créoles : Pidgin and Creole tense-mood-aspect systems / edited by John Victor Singler
Temps (linguistique) -- Congrès. : Tense-aspect : between semantics & pragmatics : containing the contributions to a Symposium on Tense and Aspect, held at UCLA, May 1979 / edited by Paul J. Hopper
Temps -- Mesure. : Physics and the ultimate significance of time : Bohm Prigogine, and process philosophy / edited by David Ray Griffin
Temps -- Organització. : The slow professor : challenging the culture of speed in the academy / Maggie Berg and Barbara K. Seeber
Temps Pidgins (langues) : Pidgin and Creole tense-mood-aspect systems / edited by John Victor Singler
Temps réel (informatique) : Real-time systems : implementation of industrial computerised process automation / Wolfgang A. Halang, Krzysztof M. Sacha, with contributions by Marek Drozdz [and others]