Temples, Confucian : Confucianism and sacred space : the Confucius temple from imperial China to today / Chin-shing Huang ; translated by Jonathan Chin with Chin-shing Huang
Temples, Confucian -- China : Confucianism and sacred space : the Confucius temple from imperial China to today / Chin-shing Huang ; translated by Jonathan Chin with Chin-shing Huang
Temples -- Egypt -- Aswān : Exploring the world. Luxor ; Aswan / executive producers, Jake de Boer and Mieke de Boer ; producer, Catherine Barry ; host, Jake de Boer
Temples -- Egypt -- Fayyūm -- Antiquities : I templi del Fayyum di epoca tolemaico-romana: tra fonti scritte e contesti archeologici : per una classificazione degli edifici sacri nell'Egitto tolemaico e romano / Ilaria Rossetti
Temples -- Egypt -- History : Die Provinztempel Ägyptens von der 0. bis zur 11. Dynastie : Archäologie und Geschichte einer gesellschaftlichen Institution zwischen Residenz und Provinz. Teil I, Text / von Richard Bussmann
Temples -- Egypt -- Karnak : The Precinct of Mut at South Karnak an archaeological guide / Richard A. Fazzini and Betsy M. Bryan
Temples -- Egypt -- Luxor : Exploring the world. Luxor ; Aswan / executive producers, Jake de Boer and Mieke de Boer ; producer, Catherine Barry ; host, Jake de Boer
Temples -- Greece -- Arkadia : Stymphalos : the Acropolis sanctuary. Volume 1 / with contributions by Sandra Garvie-Lok, Christopher Hagerman, Monica Munaretto, Deborah Ruscillo, Gerald P. Schaus, Peter Stone, Mary Sturgeon, Laura Surtees, Robert Weir, Hector Williams, Alexis Young
Temples -- Greece -- Congresses : Greek federal states and their sanctuaries : identity and integration : proceedings of an international conference of the cluster of excellence "Religion and Politics" held in Münster, 17.06.-19.06.2010 / edited by Peter Funke and Matthias Haake
Temples, Greek -- Syria : Für Religionsfreiheit, Recht und Toleranz : Libanios' Rede für den Erhalt der heidnischen Tempel / eingeleitet, übersetzt und mit interpretierenden Essays versehen von Heinz-Günther Nesselrath [and 5 others]
Temples -- Hawaii -- Maui : Heiau, ʻaina, lani : the Hawaiian temple system in ancient Kahikinui and Kaupō, Maui / Patrick Vinton Kirch and Clive Ruggles ; with the collaboration of Andrew Smith