Television relay systems. : Remote commercial television services : second report to the Minister for Communications / Australian Broadcasting Tribunal
Here are entered works on the use of television as a medium of communication in religion. Works on the portrayal of religious topics on television are entered under Religion on television. General works on the relationship between television broadcasting and religion, as well as works on television broadcasting from a religious viewpoint, are entered under Television broadcasting--Religious aspects
Here are entered collections of reviews. Works which discuss the technique or history of reviewing television programs are entered under Television criticism
--subdivision Authorship under television forms and genres, e.g. Television comedies--Authorship
Television scripts -- Bibliography -- Catalogs : Television series and specials scripts, 1946-1992 : a catalog of the American Radio Archives collection / compiled by Jeanette M. Berard and Klaudia Englund ; foreword by Norman Corwin
Television -- Semiotics -- Argentina : Fuera de cuadro : discursos audiovisuales desde los márgenes / Ximena Triquell y Santiago Ruiz (compiladores)
Television -- Semiotics -- Australia. : What is this thing called "genre'? : four essays in the semiotics of genre / by Anne Freadman and Amanda Macdonald
Television series -- Appreciation -- Germany : Entertaining German culture : contemporary Transnational Television and Film / edited by Stephan Ehrig, Benjamin Schaper and Elizabeth Ward
Television series -- Australia -- Exhibitions. : Reality check : watching Sylvania Waters : 10 October - 29 November 2009 / [editor & writer, Daniel Mudie Cunningham ; contributors Andrew Mercado, Anna Lawrenson]
Television series -- Bibliography -- Catalogs : Television series and specials scripts, 1946-1992 : a catalog of the American Radio Archives collection / compiled by Jeanette M. Berard and Klaudia Englund ; foreword by Norman Corwin