Telegraph -- Brazil -- History : Stringing together a nation : Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon and the construction of a modern Brazil, 1906-1930 / Todd A. Diacon
Telegraph cables -- Congresses. : A parliament of the press : the first Imperial Press Conference / written and compiled by Thomas H. Hardman
Telegraph cables -- History : Hot molecules, cold electrons : from the mathematics of heat to the development of the trans-Atlantic telegraph cable / Paul J. Nahin
Telegraph -- Law and legislation -- New York (State) : John G. Farnsworth, receiver of the Bankers' and Merchants' Telegraph Co. vs. Western Union Telegraph Co : Robert G. Ingersoll's opening speech to the jury, delivered May 21st, 1886
Telegraph -- Law and legislation -- New Zealand. : The Telegraph libel case : report of proceedings in the Resident Magistrate's Court, Dunedin, on the hearing of the charges of libel brought by the General Government of New Zealand against Mr. George Burnett Barton in the case of Regina v. Barton / compiled and abridged from the 'Otago Dail;y Times' newspaper
Telegraph -- Law and legislation -- Pennsylvania : General railroad and telegraph laws of the State of Pennsylvania : including the acts relating to incline plane railways and street passenger railways, and such acts relative to corporations as affect railroad and telegraph companies, 1816-1883 / compiled and arranged in chronological order, from 1820 to 1874, by Geo. W.I. Ball