Teenagers -- Japan. : Without the chrysanthemum and the sword : a study of the attitudes of youth in post-war Japan / by J.Stoetzel for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Teenagers -- Kentucky -- Attitudes : The cancer crisis in Appalachia : Kentucky students take action / edited by Nathan L. Vanderford, Lauren Hudson, and Chris Prichard
Teenagers -- Kenya -- Kibera -- Drama : Soul boy / One Fine Day Films presents ; in association with Anno's Africa ; in co-production with Ginger Ink Films ; directed by Hawa Essuman ; written by Billy Kahora ; produced by Marie Steinmann, Tom Tykwer
Teenagers Literacy : Adolescent literacy : a position statement for the Commission on Adolescent Literacy of the International Reading Association / David W. Moore ... [and others]
Teenagers -- Medical care -- Standards : Core Compentencies in Adolescent Health and Development for Primary Care Providers : Including a Tool to Assess the Adolescent Health and Development Component in Pre-service Education of Health-Care Providers
Teenagers -- Medical care -- Study and teaching : Core Compentencies in Adolescent Health and Development for Primary Care Providers : Including a Tool to Assess the Adolescent Health and Development Component in Pre-service Education of Health-Care Providers
Teenagers -- Medical examinations : Reaching teens. Wisdom from adolescent medicine. 57.0, Emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. Diaz. / [produced by] American Academy of Pediatrics