Technology Choreography : Motion Bank : starting points & aspirations = Motion Bank : ansatzpunkte & intentionen / Editing Célestine Hennermann & Scott deLahunta
Technology Civics Study and teaching : Best practice use of media when teaching civics. 1.14 / produced by Makematic ; with the USC Center for Engagement-Driven Global Education ; and developed in partnership with Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative.
Spread and adoption of inventions and techniques from one geographic area to another, from one discipline to another, or from one sector of the economy to another. For example, improvements in medical equipment may be transferred from industrial countries to developing countries, advances arising from aerospace engineering may be applied to equipment for persons with disabilities, and innovations in science arising from government research are made available to private enterprise
Spread and adoption of inventions and techniques from one geographic area to another, from one discipline to another, or from one sector of the economy to another. For example, improvements in medical equipment may be transferred from industrial countries to developing countries, advances arising from aerospace engineering may be applied to equipment for persons with disabilities, and innovations in science arising from government research are made available to private enterprise
Technology Communication : Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence and Communication Technologies
Technology -- Computer-assisted instruction -- Congresses. : Computer aided training in science and technolgoy : proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Training in Science and Technology held in Barcelona on 9-13 July, 1990 / edited by E. Oñate ... [and others]
Technology consultants -- United States : From social movement to moral market : how the circuit riders sparked an IT revolution and created a technology market / Paul-Brian McInerney
Technology Data mining : DigitalSTS : a field guide for science & technology studies / edited by Janet Vertesi & David Ribes, co-edited by Carl DiSalvo, Laura Forlano, Steven J. Jackson, Yanni Loukissas, Daniela K. Rosner, Hanna Rose Shell