Taxation -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800 : A complete collection of abstracts of acts of Parliament and cases with opinions of the judges upon the following taxes : viz. upon houses, Windows, Servants, Horses, Carriages and Dogs ; the Duties upon Hair-Powder Certificates ; and also the Twenty Per Cent. upon Assessed Taxes ; together with the several determinations upon the post-horse act. By John Smee, of the Exchequer, Westminster, Gent. In two volumes. ..
Taxation -- Law and legislation -- International cooperation. : The dynamics of global economic governance : the financial crisis, the OECD, and the politics of international tax cooperation / Richard Eccleston, associate professor, University of Tasmania, Australia
Taxation -- Law and legislation -- Kenya : Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes peer reviews. Kenya 2013 : phase 1, legal and regulatory framework
Taxation -- Law and legislation -- Latvia : Global forum on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes peer reviews. Latvia 2014. Phase 1, Legal and regulatory framework
Taxation -- Law and legislation -- Louisiana : The law of taxation in Louisiana : a treatise on the assessment and collection of taxes and licenses, state, parish, municipal and local / by E.D. Saunders, of the New Orleans bar