Taxation -- Great Britain -- Sermons : Apostolike obedience : shewing the duty of subiects to pay tribute and taxes to their princes according to the word of God, in the law and the Gospell ... a sermon preached at Northampton, at the assises for the countie, Febr. 22. 1626 / by Robert Sybthorpe ..
Taxation -- Great Britain -- Stamp-duties -- Newspapers : The copyright law and the press : An essay to show the necessity of an immediate amendment of the copyright law upon the removal of the stamp duty from newspapers. By Peter Burke
Taxation Health care reform United States : Individual mandate and premium tax credits in the Affordable Care Act : provisions and IRS oversight / Susan Bennett, editor
Taxation Health facilities : Tax treatment of organizations providing health care services, and excise taxes on tobacco, guns and ammunition : hearing before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, April 28, 1994
Taxation Health facilities United States : Tax treatment of organizations providing health care services, and excise taxes on tobacco, guns and ammunition : hearing before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, April 28, 1994
Taxation Hedge funds United States : Taxation of U.S. investment partnerships and hedge funds : accounting policies, tax allocations, and performance presentation / Navendu P. Vasavada
Taxation Home ownership Australia : On the distributional effects of taxing imputed rent / Steven C. Bourassa and Patric H. Hendershott ; series editor R.C. Coles
Taxation Housing Economic aspects United States : The price elasticity of the demand for residential land : estimation and implications of tax code-related subsidies on urban form / Joseph Gyourko and Richard Voith
Taxation Husband and wife Brazil : Steuerverfassungsrecht und Steuergerechtigkeit : Ein Rechtsvergleich der Familienbesteuerung in Deutschland und Brasilien