The process by which the nature and meaning of gustatory stimuli are recognized and interpreted by the brain. The four basic classes of taste perception are salty, sweet, bitter, and sour
Taste -- Threshold -- Tables. : Compilation of odor and taste threshold values data / Sponsored by Committee E-18 on Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products, American Society for Testing and Materials. Edited by W.H. Stahl
Tastefully Simple (Firm) : Business out of the ashes. Tastefully Simple / [produced by TeleTime Video]
Tasteninstrument : Early keyboard instruments : a practical guide / David Rowland
Conditions characterized by an alteration in gustatory function or perception. Taste disorders are frequently associated with OLFACTION DISORDERS. Additional potential etiologies include METABOLIC DISEASES; DRUG TOXICITY; and taste pathway disorders (e.g., TASTE BUD diseases; FACIAL NERVE DISEASES; GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE DISEASES; and BRAIN STEM diseases)
Tasti D-Lite (Firm) / : The Tasti D-Lite way : social media marketing lessons for building loyalty and a brand customers crave / James Amos, Jr., B.J. Emerson
Tat Ming Pair (Musical group) / : It's my party : Tat Ming Pair and the postcolonial politics of popular music in Hong Kong / Yiu Fai Chow, Jeroen de Kloet, Leonie Schmidt
Tat ort : Tat ort : inwendig / Belringer, Berlinger, Fiel
Tata Group -- Management -- Case studies : Tata Group and Air India : optimizing brands, routes, and operations in the airline portfolio / Mohanbir S. Sawhney, Debdutta Choudhury