Travel Manrique, Sebastião, -1669 Asia : Travels of Fray Sebāstien Manrique, 1629-1643 : a translation of the Itinerario de las missiones orientales / with introd. and notes by C. Eckford Luard assisted by H. Hosten
Travel Margary, Augustus Raymond, 1846-1875 : The journey of Augustus Raymond Margary : from Shanghae to Bhamo, and back to Manwyne, from his journals and letters, with a brief biographical preface, to which is added a concluding chapter / by Sir Rutherford Alcock
Travel Marion Du Fresne, M-J (Marc-Joseph) Australia Tasmania : The discovery of Tasmania : journal extracts from the expeditions of Abel Janszoon Tasman and Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne, 1642 & 1772 / edited by Edward Duyker ; translated by Edward, Herman & Maryse Duyker
Travel Mark, Jason, 1975- : Satellites in the high country : searching for the wild in the Age of Man / Jason Mark
Travel Married people : Cinerama holiday / a Louis de Rochemont Cinerama presentation ; produced by John Sittig for Cinerama Inc. ; [directed by Robert L. Bendick and Philippe de Lacy]
Travel Married people Europe : Cinerama holiday / a Louis de Rochemont Cinerama presentation ; produced by John Sittig for Cinerama Inc. ; [directed by Robert L. Bendick and Philippe de Lacy]
Travel Married people United States : Cinerama holiday / a Louis de Rochemont Cinerama presentation ; produced by John Sittig for Cinerama Inc. ; [directed by Robert L. Bendick and Philippe de Lacy]
Travel Marsden, Samuel, 1765-1838 New Zealand : Narrative of a voyage to New Zealand : performed in the years 1814 and 1815, in company with the Rev. Samuel Marsden / by John Liddiard Nicholas, esq
Travel Martens, Friedrich, 1635-1699 : An account of several late voyages and discoveries ... : to which are added, a large introduction and supplement, containing short abstracts of other voyages into those parts and brief descriptions of them ... .
Travel Mary, Queen, 1867-1953 : The Royal Tour, 1901, or, The cruise of H.M.S. Ophir : being a lower deck account of their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York's voyage around the British Empire / Petty Officer Harry Price
Travel Masters, Ben, 1988- West (US) : Unbranded : four men and sixteen mustangs : five states and five months : one improbable journey across the American West / Ben Masters