Sympathy in literature -- Congresses : Sympathy in transformation : dynamics between rhetorics, poetics and ethics / edited by Roman Alexander Barton, Alexander Klaudies and Thomas Micklich
Sympathy -- Juvenile fiction. : Raven : a trickster tale from the Pacific Northwest / told and illustrated by Gerald McDermott
Here are entered compositions not in a specific form or of a specific type for big band, and collections of compositions in several forms or types for big band --headings for forms and types of music that include "big band" and headings with medium of performance that include "big band"; also the subdivisions Methods (Big band) and Studies and exercises (Big band) under individual musical instruments and families of instruments
Symphonic poems (Accordions (2)), Arranged : Petrushka / Igor Stravinsky. In the steppes of Central Asia / Alexander Borodin. 3 movements from the nutcracker / Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. A night on the bare mountain / Modest Mussorgsky
Here are entered symphonic poems for orchestra. Symphonic poems for other mediums of performance are entered under this heading followed by the medium, e.g. Symphonic poems (Band). Works about the symphonic poem are entered under the heading Symphonic poem