Symbiosis -- Juvenile literature : The Forest in the Tree : How Fungi Shape the Earth / Ailsa Wild (author) ; Aviva Reed (illustrator) ; Briony Barr (author) ; Gregory Crocetti (author)
Tests designed to assess neurological function associated with certain behaviors. They are used in diagnosing brain dysfunction or damage and central nervous system disorders or injury
Symbol grounding. : Symbol grounding / edited by Tony Belpaeme, Stephen J. Cowley, Karl F. MacDorman
symbol interpretation. : Marian apparitions in cultural contexts : applying Jungian concepts to mass visions of the Virgin Mary / Valeria Céspedes Musso
Here are entered works on a set of elements used in data processing for the organization, control, or representation of data; especially where a one-to-one relationship has been established between the elements of the set and the bit combination of their assigned codes
Symbolic anthropology -- Africa. : Body and space : symbolic models of unity and division in African cosmology and experience / edited by Anita Jacobson-Widding
Symbolic aspects Animals Central America : Birds and beasts of ancient Mesoamerica : animal symbolism in the Postclassic period / edited by Susan Milbrath and Elizabeth Baquedano
Symbolic aspects Animals Encyclopedias : The continuum encyclopedia of animal symbolism in art / Hope B. Werness ; line drawings by Joanne H. Benedict and Hope B. Werness ; additional drawings by Tiffany Ramsay-Lozano and Scott Thomas
Symbolic aspects Animals Mexico : Birds and beasts of ancient Mesoamerica : animal symbolism in the Postclassic period / edited by Susan Milbrath and Elizabeth Baquedano