Switzerland Yugoslavs Social conditions : Familienleben transnational : Eine biographieanalytische Untersuchung einer Familie aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien / Eveline Ammann Dula
Switzerland -- Zermatt. : Travel in style. Episode 4, Switzerland & Sweden / produced & directed by Richard Hall
Sword of Honour Waugh, Evelyn, 1903-1966 : In the picture : the facts behind the fiction in Evelyn Waugh's Sword of Honour / Donat Gallagher, Carlos Villar Flor
Swordplay -- Early works to 1800 : Late medieval and early modern fight books : transmission and tradition of martial arts in Europe (14th-17th centuries) / edited by Daniel Jaquet, Karin Verelst and Timothy Dawson
Swordplay -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : The art of longsword fighting : teaching the foundations of Sigmund Ringeck's style / Benjamin J. Smith ; photographs by Play of Light Photography ; illustrations by Peter Smith
Swordplay -- History -- Congresses : The sword : form and thought : proceedings of the second Sword Conference 19/20 November 2015 Deutsches Klingenmuseum Solingen / editors, Lisa Deutscher, Mirjam Kaiser, Sixt Wetzler