Sustainable agriculture -- Africa, West -- Congresses : Cover crops in West Africa : contributing to sustainable agriculture / edited by D. Buckles [and others] = Plantes de couverture en Afrique de l'Ouest : une contribution à l'agriculture durable / sous la direction de D. Buckles [and others]
Sustainable agriculture -- Asia, Central. : Environmental security and sustainable land use : with special reference to Central Asia / edited by Hartmut Vogtmann and Nikolai Dobretsov ; with the collaboration of Astrid Mittelstaedt
Sustainable agriculture -- Asia, Central -- Congresses : Environmental security and sustainable land use : with special reference to Central Asia / edited by Hartmut Vogtmann and Nikolai Dobretsov ; with the collaboration of Astrid Mittelstaedt
Sustainable agriculture -- Asia -- Congresses. : Water in agriculture : proceedings of a CARDI international conference: 'Research on Water in Agricultural Production in Asia for the 21st Century' Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 25-28 November 2003 / editors, Vang Seng ... [and others]
Sustainable agriculture -- Australia -- Congresses. : Fire and sustainable agricultural and forestry development in Eastern Indonesia and Northern Australia : proceedings of a workshop held at Northern Territory University, Darwin, Australia, 13-15 April 1999 /ceditor, Jeremy Russell-Smith ... [and others]
Sustainable agriculture -- Australia, Northern. : Fire and sustainable agricultural and forestry development in Eastern Indonesia and Northern Australia : proceedings of a workshop held at Northern Territory University, Darwin, Australia, 13-15 April 1999 /ceditor, Jeremy Russell-Smith ... [and others]
Sustainable agriculture -- Australia -- Planning. : A strategic plan for trialling sustainable wildlife enterprises : guidelines for conservation-based enterprises as an incentive to restore on-farm habitat : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by George R. Wilson and Beth Mitchell
Sustainable agriculture -- Australia -- Western Australia. : Documenting the concepts of the "Ecosystems Farm Management" approach : a farmer innovation report to Land & Water Australia and the Land Management Society / Colin D. Walker
Sustainable agriculture -- Bangladesh : Entrepreneurship and social innovation for sustainability : focusing on a Haor Region of Bangladesh / Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Sustainable agriculture -- California : California and the American dream. Ripe for change / narrated by Linda Hunt ; produced by Emiko Omori and Jed Riffe ; directed by Emiko Omori
Sustainable agriculture -- Central America : In good hands : culture and agriculture in the Lacandon rainforest / producers, Jaime Kibben, Steve Bartz ; director, Jaime Kibben
Sustainable agriculture -- Certification -- United States : Certifiably sustainable? : the role of third-party certification systems : report of a workshop / Committee on Certification of Sustainable Products and Services, Science and Technology Sustainability Program, Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council of the National Academies