Sustainability -- Canada -- Case studies : Case Studies in Cultural Entrepreneurship : How to Create Relevant and Sustainable Institutions / edited by Gretchen Sullivan Sorin and Lynne A. Sessions
Here are entered works on the capability of military equipment and personnel to maintain the necessary level and duration of combat activity. Works on the capability and readiness of military equipment and personnel to perform the mission or functions for which they were organized or designed are entered under Operational readiness (Military science) --subdivision Combat sustainability under names of individual military services, e.g. United States. Air Force--Combat sustainability
Sustainability -- Ecuador : Indicadores de sustentabilidad en el cantón Pimampiro, provincia Imbabura / María José Zuleta Tablada, Patricia Aguirre Mejía
Sustainability -- Ecuador -- Statistics : Estadística en un entorno de sustentabilidad / Judith Josefina García Bolívar, Rubén Darío Mujica Betancourt, Jorge Iván Mina Ortega
Sustainability -- Forecasting : Workplace visions 2009. Issue 2, Can sustainability initiatives survive in a tough economy? / Society for Human Resource Management
Sustainability -- France : Food revolution. French organic farming explores the unconventional / produced by Financial Times
Sustainability -- Galapagos Islands : Island ecosystems : challenges to sustainability / Stephen J. Walsh, Carlos F. Mena, Jill R. Stewart, Juan Pablo Muñoz Pérez, editors
Sustainability -- Germany -- USA. : Environmental sustainability in transatlantic perspective : a multidisciplinary approach / edited by Manuela Achilles, Dana Elzey