Surge Capacity -- organization & administration : Medical Surge Capacity : Workshop Summary / Bruce M. Altevogt [and others], rapporteurs ; Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Surgeons -- Australia -- Victoria. : Report from the Select Committee on Privilege (Dr. Hunter's case) : together with proceedings of the Committee and minutes of evidence
Surgeons -- education : The laparoscopic surgery revolution : finding a capable surgeon in a rapidly advancing field / David W. Page, MD, MFA, FACS ; Foreword by Carol E.H. Scott-Conner, MD, PhD, MBA
Surgeons -- Egypt -- Biography : A surgeon and a maverick : the life and pioneering work of Magdi Yacoub / Simon Pearson and Fiona Gorman ; with a foreword by Dame Mary Archer
Surgeons -- England -- Biography. : Fellowship of three : the lives and association of John Hunter (1728-1793) the surgeon, James Cook (1728-1779) the navigator and Joseph Banks (1743-1820) the naturalist / A.W. Beasley
Surgeons general (Military personnel) : Matchless organization : the Confederate Army Medical Department / Guy R. Hasegawa ; foreword by F. Terry Hambrecht
Surgeons -- Germany -- Biography. : Memoirs of a mercenary : being the memoirs of Master Johann Dietz, surgeon in the army of the Great Elector and barber to the royal court / translated by Brian Miall ; edited and introduced by Mervyn Horder
Surgeons -- Great Britain -- Diaries. : Naval surgeon : the voyages of Dr. Edward H. Cree, Royal Navy, as related in his private journals, 1837-1856 / illustrated by the author ; edited and with an introduction by Michael Levien