Superconductivity -- Research -- Australia. : Superconductivity and related new materials / report by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology
Superconductivity -- Research -- New York (State) -- Congresses. : Superconductivity and its applications : proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Superconductivity and Applications, held April 18-20, 1988, at Buffalo Buffalo, New York, USA / editors, Hoi S. Kwok, David T. Shaw
Superconductors (materials) : Materials science and engineering for the 1990s : maintaining competitiveness in the age of materials / Committee on Materials Science and Engineering [and] Solid State Sciences Committee, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, and National Materials Advisory Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Superconductors -- Research -- Australia. : Superconductivity and related new materials / report by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology
Supercordes (physique nucléaire) -- Congrès. : Particle physics and the universe : proceedings of Nobel Symposium 109 : Haga Slott, Enköping, Sweden, August 20-25, 1998 / editors, L. Bergström, P. Carlson, C. Fransson
A CHROMATOGRAPHY method using supercritical fluid, usually carbon dioxide under very high pressure (around 73 atmospheres or 1070 psi at room temperature) as the mobile phase. Other solvents are sometimes added as modifiers. This is used both for analytical (SFC) and extraction (SFE) purposes