Station Grennan, Eamon, 1941- : Poetry for students. Volume 21 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Anne Marie Hacht, project editor ; foreword by David Kelly
Station life -- Western Australia -- Kimberley -- History : Raparapa kularr martuwarra : all right, now we go 'side the river, along that sundown way, stories / from the Fitzroy River drovers, Eric Lawford ... [and others] ; edited by Paul Marshall
Station work Railroads : Living in the depot : the two-story railroad station / H. Roger Grant
Stationaire processen. : Fluctuation theory for Levy processes : Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXV-2005 / Ronald A. Doney ; editor, Jean Picard
Stationäre Altenpflege : Developing excellent care for people living with dementia in care homes / Caroline Baker ; foreword by Professor Murna Downs
The pattern of any process, or the interrelationship of phenomena, which affects growth or change within a population
Stationary process. : Energy abundance and economic growth : international and Canadian evidence / by Ross McKitrick and Elmira Aliakbari ; project director: Kenneth P. Green
Stationary processes -- Congresses : Nonstationary systems : Theory and applications : contributions to the 13th Workshop on Nonstationary Systems and Their Applications, February 3-5, 2020, Grodek nad Dunajcem, Poland / Fakher Chaari, Jacek Leskow, Agnieszka Wylomanska, Radoslaw Zimroz, Antonio Napolitano, editors
Stationers' Company (London, England) / : Economics of the British booktrade, 1605-1939 / edited by Robin Myers and Michael Harris
Stationers' Hall. : Music entries at Stationers' Hall, 1710-1818 : from lists prepared for William Hawes, D.W. Krummel, and Alan Tyson and from other sources / compiled by Michael Kassler ; with a foreword by D.W. Krummel
Stationery -- Design -- Catalogs. : The big book of designs for letterheads and websites / editor, David E. Carter ; art director, Suzanna M. W. Stephens ; designer, Frank L. Yates