Statelessness -- Southeast Asia : Safeguarding against statelessness at birth : international law and domestic legal frameworks of ASEAN member states / Rodziana Mohamed Razali
Statelessness -- United States : Citizens of nowhere : solutions for the stateless in the U.S. / a report from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Open Society Justice Initiative
Statelessness -- United States -- Prevention : Citizens of nowhere : solutions for the stateless in the U.S. / a report from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Open Society Justice Initiative
Statellites artificiels en navigation. : The global positioning system : theory and applications / edited by Bradford W. Parkinson, James J. Spilker, Jr. ; associate editors, Penina Axelrad, Per Enge
Staten -- historia -- Europa. : Empowering interactions : political cultures and the emergence of the state in Europe, 1300-1900 / edited by Wim Blockmans, André Holenstein, Jon Mathieu, in collaboration with Daniel Schlappi
Staten Island Art New York (State) Catalogs : Treasures of Tibetan Art : collections of the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art / Barbara Lipton and Nima Dorjee Ragnubs ; essay on Tibetan Buddhism by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. ; photographs by Geoffrey Clements ; foreword by the fourteenth Dalai Lama
Staten Island (New York) Art New York (State) Catalogs : Treasures of Tibetan Art : collections of the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art / Barbara Lipton and Nima Dorjee Ragnubs ; essay on Tibetan Buddhism by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. ; photographs by Geoffrey Clements ; foreword by the fourteenth Dalai Lama
Statens museum for kunst (Denmark) -- Exhibitions. / : Danish painting : the Golden Age : a loan exhibition from the Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen , 5 September-20 November 1984 / introductions by Henrik Bramsen, Alistair Smith ; catalogue by Kasper Monrad
Statens petroeumsfond : Investing for sustainability : the management of mineral wealth / by Rg̲nvaldur Hannesson
Statens petroleumsfond (Norway) / : Investing for sustainability : the management of mineral wealth / by Rg̲nvaldur Hannesson