St. George (Yacht) : The South seas of to-day : being an account of the cruise of the yacht St. George to the South Pacific / by Major A.J.A. Douglas and P.H. Johnson
St. George's Presbyterian Church (Geelong, Vic.) : Jubilee souvenir of St. George's Presbyterian Church, 1861-1911 : a short historical sketch of the origin & growth of St. George's Church, Latrobe Terrace, Geelong / [Rev. J.A. Forrest]
St. Gregory's Minster (England) / : St Gregory's Minster, Kirkdale, North Yorkshire archaeological investigations and historical context / Philip Rahtz and Lorna Watts ; with major contributions by R. Bailey, E. Craig-Atkins and J. Senior and other contributions by A. Aspinall [and five others]
St. Helena II (Canal boat : 1970) / : The resurrection of the St. Helena : nineteenth-century Ohio canal boat / Carroll Gantz
St. Helena (Island) : St. Helena story / Dame Mabel Brookes ; with a foreword by R. G. Menzies