Språkinlärning -- forskning -- metodik. : Psychology for language learning : insights from research, theory and practice / edited by Sarah Mercer, Stephen Ryan and Marion Williams
Språkinlärning -- psykologiska aspekter. : Psychology for language learning : insights from research, theory and practice / edited by Sarah Mercer, Stephen Ryan and Marion Williams
Språkkontakter -- politiska aspekter. : Meeting the language challenges of NATO Operations : policy, practice and professionalization / Ian P. Jones, SHAPE (NATO), Belgium ; Louise Askew, Independent Scholar and Interpreter, UK
språkområde: spanska Litteraturvetenskap skrivande x översättningar : Translocalities/translocalidades : feminist politics of translation in the Latin/a Americas / Sonia E. Alvarez, Claudia de Lima Costa, Verónica Feliu, Rebecca J. Hester, Norma Klahn, and Millie Thayer, editors ; with Cruz Caridad Bueno
Språkpragmatik -- historia. : Poststructuralist discourse analysis : subjectivity in enunciative pragmatics / Johannes Angermuller, University of Warwick, UK
Språksociologi -- metodik. : Data collection in sociolinguistics : methods and applications / edited by Christine Mallinson, Becky Childs, and Gerard Van Herk
Språkundervisning -- grundskolan. : New Trends in Early Foreign Language Learning : the Age Factor, CLIL and Languages in Contact. Bridging Research and Good Practices
Språkvariation -- Europa -- konferenser. : Language variation-- European perspectives II : selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 4), Nicosia, June 2007 / edited by Stavroula Tsiplakou, Marilena Karyolemou, Pavlos Pavlou