Signal transduction mechanisms whereby calcium mobilization (from outside the cell or from intracellular storage pools) to the cytoplasm is triggered by external stimuli. Calcium signals are often seen to propagate as waves, oscillations, spikes, sparks, or puffs. The calcium acts as an intracellular messenger by activating calcium-responsive proteins
Spikeman, William, 1800-1881 : A reluctant pioneer : the story of William Spikeman, his life and times / by R.M. Prokhovnik
Spiker, Charles C : Experimental child psychologist : essays and experiments in honor of Charles C. Spiker / edited by Lewis P. Lipsitt, Joan H. Cantor
Signal transduction mechanisms whereby calcium mobilization (from outside the cell or from intracellular storage pools) to the cytoplasm is triggered by external stimuli. Calcium signals are often seen to propagate as waves, oscillations, spikes, sparks, or puffs. The calcium acts as an intracellular messenger by activating calcium-responsive proteins
Spikes, Stacy. : Black founder : the hidden power of being an outsider / Stacy Spikes
Spillers, Hortense J. -- Influence : The flesh of the matter : a critical forum on Hortense Spillers / edited by Margo Natalie Crawford and C. Riley Snorton
Spillover Analysis. : Macrofinancial analysis in the world economy : a panel dynamic stochastic general equilibrium approach / prepared by Francis Vitek