Speech acts (Linguistics) -- History : Spoken word and social practice : orality in Europe (1400-1700) / edited by Thomas V. Cohen and Lesley K. Twomey
Speech acts (Linguistics) -- Research : Research methods in language acquisition : principles, procedures, and practices / Maria Blume and Barbara C. Lust ; collaborators: Yuchin Chien, Cristina D. Dye, Claire A. Foley, Yarden Kedar
A device, activated electronically or by expired pulmonary air, which simulates laryngeal activity and enables a laryngectomized person to speak. Examples of the pneumatic mechanical device are the Tokyo and Van Hunen artificial larynges. Electronic devices include the Western Electric electrolarynx, Tait oral vibrator, Cooper-Rand electrolarynx and the Ticchioni pipe
Speech and gesture -- Political aspects -- Israel : Body, language and meaning in conflict situations : a semiotic analysis of gesture-word mismatches in Israeli-Jewish and Arab discourse / Orit Sônia Waisman
Speech And Language Disorder With Orofacial Dyspraxia -- See Apraxias
A group of cognitive disorders characterized by the inability to perform previously learned skills that cannot be attributed to deficits of motor or sensory function. The two major subtypes of this condition are ideomotor (see APRAXIA, IDEOMOTOR) and ideational apraxia, which refers to loss of the ability to mentally formulate the processes involved with performing an action. For example, dressing apraxia may result from an inability to mentally formulate the act of placing clothes on the body. Apraxias are generally associated with lesions of the dominant PARIETAL LOBE and supramarginal gyrus. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp56-7)