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Book Cover

Title Human spatial memory : remembering where / edited by Gary L. Allen
Published Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004


Description 1 online resource (xx, 346 pages) : illustrations
Contents Book Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Contributors; Preface: Routes of Human Spatial Memory Research; I: Theoretical Issues in Remembering Where; 1 Remembering Where Things Are; 2 Starting Points and Change in Early Spatial Development; 3 Proximity and Precision in Spatial Memory; II: The Task of Remembering "Where Is It?"; 4 Visuospatial Working Memory for Different Scales of Space: Weighing the Evidence; 5 Temporal Memory for Locations: On the Coding of Spatiotemporal Information in Children and Adults
6 Seeing Space in More Than One Way: Children's Use of Higher Order Patterns in Spatial Memory and Cognition7 The Neuropsychology of Object-Location Memory; III: The Task of Remembering "Where Am I?"; 8 Remembering Spatial Locations: The Role of Physical Movement in Egocentric Updating; 9 Memories of Travel: Dead Reckoning Within the Cognitive Map; 10 Neurocognitive Components of Spatial Memory; IV: Remembering Where in Artificial Media and From Alternative Perspectives; 11 Spatial Memory of Real Environments, Virtual Environments, and Maps
12 Young Children's Recognition and Representation of Urban Landscapes: From Aerial Photographs and in Toy Play13 Putting Spatial Memories Into Perspective: Brain and Behavioral Evidence for Representational Differences; Author Index; Subject Index
Summary This text presents an intriguing picture of an everyday aspect of mental life that is as puzzling to people outside of academia as it is to scientists studying human cognition and behaviour: How do we remember where objects are located? How do we remember where we are in relation to other places?
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Notes Print version record
Subject Space perception -- Congresses
Spatial behavior -- Congresses
Spatial ability -- Congresses
SCIENCE -- Cognitive Science.
PSYCHOLOGY -- Cognitive Psychology.
Space perception
Spatial ability
Spatial behavior
Genre/Form Conference papers and proceedings
Form Electronic book
Author Allen, Gary L
ISBN 1410609987