Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Dictionaries : Historical dictionary of the Spanish American War / Donald H. Dyal ; with the editorial assistance of Brian B. Carpenter and Mark A. Thomas ; advisory editor, James S. Olson
Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Encyclopedias : The encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars : a political, social, and military history / Spencer C. Tucker, volume editor ; James Arnold and Roberta Wiener, editors, documents volume ; Paul G. Pierpaoli Jr., associate editor ; Jack McCallum, Justin D. Murphy, assistant editors
Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Puerto Rico : Creating tropical yankees : social science textbooks and U.S. ideological control in Puerto Rico, 1898-1908 / José-Manuel Navarro
Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Social aspects : Fighting for American manhood : how gender politics provoked the Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars / Kristin L. Hoganson
Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Sources : The Spanish-American war : a documentary history with commentaries / edited by Brad K. Berner ; foreword by Kalman Goldstein
Persons living in the United States of Mexican (MEXICAN AMERICANS), Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin. The concept does not include Brazilian Americans or Portuguese Americans
Spanish Americans -- Fiction : El mesquite : a story of the early Spanish settlements between the Nueces and the Rio Grande, as told by "la posta del palo alto" / Elena Zamora O'Shea ; with new introductions by Andrés Tijerina & Leticia M. Garza-Falcón
Here are entered works on United States citizens of Latin American descent. Works on citizens of Latin American countries are entered under Latin Americans. Works on citizens of Latin American countries in the United States are entered under Latin Americans--United States