Spain -- History -- 20th century -- Press coverage : Tele-revista y la Transición : un programa de la televisión suiza para emigrantes españoles (1973-1989) / Luís Manuel Calvo Salgado, Concha Langa Nuño, Moisés Prieto López
Spain -- History -- 711-1492 : Alvar Pérez de Castro (c. 1196-1239) : tenente de Andújar : frontero de al-Andalus : conquistador de Córdoba / Miguel Ángel Chamocho Cantudo
Spain -- History -- 711-1516 -- Congresses : Aspects of Jewish Culture in the Middle Ages : Papers of the Eighth Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 3-5 May, 1974 / edited by Paul E. Szarmach
Spain -- History -- 711-1516 -- Drama. : El Cid / directed by Anthony Mann ; written by Fredric M. Frank and Philip Yordan ; produced by Samuel Bronston
Spain -- History -- Bourbon Restoration, 1814-1868. : El gobierno municipal de Granada durante la Guerra de la Independencia : ayuntamiento borbónico, municipalidad josefina y ayuntamiento liberal / Celia Prados García
Spain -- History -- Bourbons, 1700- -- Sources. : Spain under the Bourbons, 1700-1833 : a collection of documents. / Edited and translated with a critical introd. by W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley