Spain -- Foreign relations -- Czech Republic : Las relaciones entre Checoslovaquia y América Latina 1945-1989, En los archivos de la República Checa / Josef Opatrný, Michal Zourek, Lucia Majlátová, Matyáš Pelant
Spain -- Foreign relations -- Ecuador : La Unión Europea en la política exterior de España hacia Ecuador incidencias en el tratamiento político de la migración ecuatoriana: 1996-2004
Spain -- Foreign relations -- England : Holland House and Portugal, 1793-1840 : English Whiggery and the constitutional cause in Iberia / José Baptista de Sousa
Spain -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- History -- Sources : Supplement to volume 1 and volume 2 of Letters, despatches and state papers relating to the negotiations between England and Spain preserved in the Archives of Simancas and elsewhere / edited by G.A. Bergenroth
Spain -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- Sources : Calendar of letters, despatches and state papers, relating to the negotiations between England and Spain, preserved in the archives at Simancas, Vienna, Brussels, and elsewhere. Volume 8, Henry VIII, 1545-1546 / edited by Martin A.S. Hume
Spain -- Foreign relations -- History : Republics of difference : religious and racial self-governance in the Spanish Atlantic world / Karen B. Graubart
Spain -- Foreign relations -- Iran -- Sources : The commentaries of D. García de Silva y Figueroa on his embassy to ShahʿAbbās I of Persia on behalf of Philip III, King of Spain / translated from the original Spanish manuscript by Jeffrey S. Turley ; edited, with an introduction and annotations, by Jeffrey S. Turley and George Bryan Souza
Spain -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands : Conflicting words : the Peace Treaty of Münster (1648) and the political culture of the Dutch Republic and the Spanish monarchy / Laura Manzano Baena
Spain -- Foreign relations -- Scotland -- Sources : Relations politiques de la France et de l'Espagne avec l'Ecosse au XVIe siècle : papiers d'etat, pièces et documents inédits ou peu connu tirée des bibliothèques et des archives de France. Volume V, Correspondances espagnoles, 1563-1587, Philippe II-Marie Stuart, Jacques VI / par Alexandre Teulet = Political relations of France and Spain with Scotland in the sixteenth century : state papers, unpublished or little known extracts and documents held in the libraries and archives of France
Spain -- Foreign relations -- Turkey : Las relaciones entre el imperio otomano y la monarquía católica entre los años 1520-1535 y el papel de los estados-satélites / Özlem Kumrular
Spain Foreign workers Barcelona : Getting by in Europe's urban labour markets : Senegambian migrants' strategies for survival, documentation and mobility / Inge van Nieuwenhuyze
Spain Foreign workers Social conditions 21st century : The politics of social inclusion and labor representation : immigrants and trade unions in the European context / Heather Connolly, Stefania Marino, and Miguel Martínez Lucio
Spain Forensic archaeology : Exhuming loss : memory, materiality, and mass graves of the Spanish Civil War / Layla Renshaw
Spain Forensic genetics : La Genealogía Forense Como Herramienta Emergente de Investigación Criminal en España